Team | Centro Competencia - CECO

Felipe Irarrázabal Ph.


Lawyer University of Chile

LL.M., Yale University

National Economic Prosecutor between 2010 and 2018. Partner at Philippi, Yrarrázaval, Pulido & Brunner between 1999 and 2010. Associate at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP (New York, USA) in 1999. Professor of Economic Analysis of the Law at University of Chile, between 2000 and 2013. Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, 2019.

Juan Pablo Inglesias M.

Research coordinator

Lawyer University of Chile

LL.M., University of Amsterdam

Senior Associate in the Intellectual Property group of Carey (law firm), between 2015-2022. Diploma in Competition Law (U. Chile) and Artificial Intelligence (UAI). Has published academic articles related to antitrust, intellectual property and civil law.

Tamara Sandoval B.


Law degree, Universidad de Chile

Diploma in Competition Law (UAI)

Researcher in Centro de Estudios de Justicia de las Américas (CEJA) (2017-2018). Legal clerk in Ferrada Nehme (2018-2019). Legal consultant in Innovarte ONG (2021).

Ignacio Peralta F.


Law degree, Universidad de Chile

Research assistant in CeCo UAI (2019-2020), and in Centro Regulación y Competencia U. de Chile (2021-2023). Legal clerk in Honorato Delaveau (2021-2022).

Ricardo Santolaya S.


Economist, Universidad de Chile

Research assistant in CIEPLAN (2021) and CeCo UAI (2023-2024).

Bruno Nocera Q,


Economist, Universidad de Chile

Intern at Fiscalía Nacional Económica (2022) and Reearch Assistant at CeCo UAI (2023-2024)

Michael E. Jacobs


Lawyer Georgetown University Law Center

Partner, Hinkle Shanor LLP, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States. J.D., Georgetown University Law Center; M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison; B.A., University of Chicago.

Claudio Agostini G.

Economic Advisor

PhD in Economics, University of Michigan

Economist, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Full professor at the School of Government in Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. His research covers a broad scope including industrial organization, antitrust, public finance and tax policy.

Enrique Vergara V.

Legal Advisor

Master Autonomous University of Barcelona

Lawyer Diego Portales University

President of the Chilean Competition Court (2016-2022) and Judge (2012-2022). National Economic Prosecutor (2006-2010) and President (deputy) of the Central Antitrust Preventive Commission (2000-2002). Advisor to the ministries of Economy, Mining and energy (2000-2003). Academic Director of the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez’s Law School.

Natalia Legal C.

Administrative coordinator

Andrés Calderón L.

Legal Advisor

LLM, Yale University

Lawyer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP)

Professor of Competition Law, Regulation, Media and Information Freedoms at the PUCP and the Universidad del Pacífico in Lima. He worked as a Consultant on Antitrust issues for the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Daniela Gorab

External contributor

LLM in Competition Law from University College

Lawyer from the Universidad de Chile

Professor at the U. Adolfo Ibáñez in free competition and has published several publications on free competition.

Nicolás Carrasco D.

External contributor

Doctor in Law, Government and Public Policy Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Lawyer from the Universidad de Chile

Associate Professor of Procedural Law at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad de Chile. Diploma in Regulation and Competition (U. de Chile), and in Cognitive and Social Neuroscience (Universidad Diego Portales). Partner of Free Competition and Regulation of the Carrasco, Toro y Saldías study.

Alba Ribera M.

External contributor

PhD candidate in Competition Law at the Carlos III University of Madrid

Professor of Economic Analysis of Law and Competition at Villanueva University. Editor of the Journal of European Competition Law & Practice (JECLAP) and the Kluwer Competition Law Blog.

Manuel Abarca M.

External contributor

Lawyer University of Chile

Associate at Lewin Abogados (law firm).

Anais Yáñez P.

Research Assistant

Law student, Adolfo Ibáñez University

Catalina Torres R.


Journalist U. Adolfo Ibáñez

José Tomás Saavedra R.

Research Assistant

Economics student, Universidad de Chile

Osmán Elgueta M.

Research Assistant

Economics student, Universidad Diego Portales

Sofía Muñoz G.

Research Assistant

Economics student, Universidad de Chile

Valentina Guedeney O.

Research Assistant

Law student, Adolfo Ibáñez University

Carlos Andrés Uribe P.

Lawyer Pontifical Bolivarian University

PhD University of Salamanca – Cum Laude (2012).

Extraordinary PhD Award from the University of Salamanca. Director of the Department of Economic Law, of the Pontifical Javeriana University.

Jorge Jaeckel K.

Lawyer Pontifical Javeriana University

Founding partner of the law firm Jaeckel/Montoya Abogados.

Alfonso Miranda L.

Lawyer Pontifical Javeriana University of Bogotá

LL.M. Cornell University (1987). PhD University of Salamanca (2022).

Director of the Center for Competition Law Studies (CEDEC), Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Pontifical Javeriana University.

Luis Daniel Morales H.

Coordinator of the Center for Competition Law Studies (CEDEC), Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Pontifical Javeriana University.

Mariana López G.

Law student University of Caldas

Paralegal at Jaeckel/Montoya Abogados law firm (2022 - present).

Andrés Yáñez T.

Lawyer Pontifical Javeriana University

LL.M. King's College London (2017)

Partner in law firm Uribe Yáñez Asesores Legales (2022 - present).

Natalia Fernández L.

Lawyer Pontifical Javeriana University

LL.M. Freie Universität Berlin

Senior Associate en DLA Piper Martínez Beltrán (2020 - actualidad).

Mario Navarrete S.

Lawyer San Francisco de Quito University

LL.M New York University

Director of the Specialization in Competition Law and Economics, Director of Ceco Ecuador and lawyer at Pérez Bustamante & Ponce.

Oswaldo Santos D.

Lawyer San Francisco de Quito University

M. Sc. In Law and Finance, University of Oxford

Partner at Santos Burbano de Lara Abogados. Professor of General Theory of Business and Subjects of Law, Universidad San Francisco de Quito.

Camila Sánchez S.

Lawyer San Francisco de Quito University

Specialist in European and Spanish competition law from the Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles in Madrid and LL.M candidate from Georgetown University.

Karla Barona V.

Lawyer San Francisco de Quito University

Lawyer at Pérez Bustamante & Ponce.

Luis Felipe Maldonado G.

Law student at the San Francisco de Quito University.

Enrique Alvario C.

Law student at the San Francisco de Quito University.

Jorge Duque S.

Lawyer San Francisco de Quito University

Master in Economic Criminal Law, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Lawyer at Robalino Abogados.

Mauricio Vázquez A.

Economist San Francisco de Quito University

Master in Big Data & Business Analytics, Universidad Nebrija

Consulting Supervisor at CPA Consultores - Robalino.

Michelle Jiménez P.

Economist with a mention in public policies, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Master in Economics, Regulation and Competition, Universitat de Barcelona

Integral Risk Analyst at the Financial Policy and Regulation Board.

William E. Kovacic

Professor at the George Washington University Law School since 1999. He was a George Mason University Law School Foundation Professor, a member of the Federal Trade Commission and Chairman of the FTC 2008-2009. He was General Counsel of the FTC from June 2001 to December 2004, a non-executive director of the UK Competition and Markets Authority, and Vice President for Outreach of the International Competition Network. Juris doctor from Columbia Law School since 1978, where he was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar.

Alejandro Ibarra I.

Lawyer specialized in competition and free market law from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, with a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International and Comparative Law from George Washington University, Fellow Associate of the Competition Law Center of the same university, directed by William E. Kovacic. He is currently a partner of the firm Ibarra Rimon.

Marianela López G.

Competition Policy Director at Meta. She was Director of Competition Policy and Regulation at the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA), and Director of Research Projects in Competition Law and Policy at the George Washington Competition Law Center. Doctorate in International Competition Law from the George Washington Law School.

Teo Kvirikashvili

Hankun Guo

José Luis Bonifaz F.

Economist, Georgetown University

He has been president of the Specialized Chamber No. 1 of the Court for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property of INDECOPI. Likewise, he is a consultant to the IDB, CAF, ECLAC, GIZ, KfW and the World Bank. He is currently Head of the Department of Economics at the Universidad del Pacífico.

Julio Aguirre M.

Ph.D. Economics, University of San Andrés (Argentina)

Associate Professor of the Academic Department of Economics at the Universidad del Pacífico (Lima, Peru). His areas of specialization are industrial organization, competition policy and economic regulation, and economic development.

Alejandro Falla J.

Lawyer, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

Master of Regulation, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Partner of the Bullard Falla Ezcurra studio. Professor of Competition Law at the Law Schools of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad del Pacífico and Universidad de Piura. Director of the Master's Degree in Intellectual Property and Competition Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

María Alejandra Ramos C.

Economist, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru