The man with the red gear interferes with the work of the whole team. Incompetent employee. Low efficiency, conflict situation. Unprofessional and unreliable employee. Sabotage, disruption of the plan | Centro Competencia - CECO

The man with the red gear interferes with the work of the whole team. Incompetent employee. Low efficiency, conflict situation. Unprofessional and unreliable employee. Sabotage, disruption of the plan


Regla Per Se, Interlocking, Regla De La Razón, Interlocking Horizontal Indirecto, Interlocking Horizontal Directo, Ley 155 De 1959, Ley 1340 De 2009, Decreto 2153 De 1992, Decreto Ley 663 De 1993, Ley 142 De 1994, Ley 2085 De 2021, Ley 5 De 1947

Regla Per Se, Interlocking, Regla De La Razón, Interlocking Horizontal Indirecto, Interlocking Horizontal Directo, Ley 155 De 1959, Ley 1340 De 2009, Decreto 2153 De 1992, Decreto Ley 663 De 1993, Ley 142 De 1994, Ley 2085 De 2021, Ley 5 De 1947