Competition enforcement in digital platforms: a fragmented response to a global challenge | CeCo

Competition enforcement in digital platforms: a fragmented response to a global challenge

Claudia Lemus
Claudia Lemus Research Fellow in Competition Law, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University London.
Ioannis Kokkoris
Ioannis Kokkoris Professor of Competition Law and Economics, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University London.

The authors present and comment a comparative analysis between the EU, UK, and US initiatives to regulate digital platforms, with an attempt to highlight the key features and the relevant differences and commonalities. In comparing these initiatives, and under the assumption that they will serve as a benchmark for other jurisdictions seeking to introduce similar legislative reforms, the article identifies the most significant aspects that should be either adopted or disregarded and provides some final remarks. 

Los autores presentan y comentan un análisis comparativo entre las iniciativas de la UE, el Reino Unido y los EE. UU. para regular las plataformas digitales, buscando resaltar sus características clave como también sus diferencias y puntos en común relevantes. Al comparar estas iniciativas, y bajo el supuesto de que servirán como punto de referencia para otras jurisdicciones que buscan introducir reformas legislativas similares, el artículo identifica los aspectos más significativos que deberían ser adoptados o descartados y proporciona algunas observaciones finales.

«…the prospect of regulating different business activities through one piece of regulation containing uniform classifications raises concerns about ignoring business realities, especially in view of the DMA structure. A better approach seems to be to adopt some principles and to ensure some flexibility according to business realities. The same argument applies to obligations, which should be imposed on a case-by-case basis rather than on pre-fixed terms».